[ultimate_heading main_heading=»Descubre nuestros ejercicios on-line para clases de MS» main_heading_margin=»margin-bottom:10px;» main_heading_style=»font-weight:bold;» main_heading_font_size=»desktop:50px;» main_heading_line_height=»desktop:60px;»]El objetivo de estos ejercicios on-line de espectrometría de masas es facilitar el entendimiento de las ideas y conceptos importantes en MS. Podremos trabajar sobre masa monoisotópica, carga, formula molecular y distribución isotópica. También podremos trabajar sobre determinación estructural por impacto electrónico. El estudiante podrá validar la respuesta correcta al instante. No dudes en contactar con nosotros si quieres compartir tus ejercicios, cursos o estrategias con nosotros. Todos estos ejercicios los usamos durante nuestro curso de MS para estudiantes de doctorado de la EPFL.[/ultimate_heading]
Encuentra la formula molecular a partir de una distribución isotópica
Encuentra la masa monoisotópica de peptidos desde una especia protonada
Encuentra el átomo que encaja con la distribución isotópica
Enceuntra la estructura que encaja con los fragmentos
Descubre nuestro curso de MS de la escuela doctoral de Química para estudiantes de la EPFL
[bsf-info-box icon_type=»custom» icon_img=»id^5079|url^https://ms.epfl.ch/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/equipo-contacta-con-nostros-transparente.png|caption^null|alt^null|title^equipo-contacta-con-nostros-transparente|description^null» img_width=»250″ title=»¿Quiere compartir sus resultados en esta página?» heading_tag=»span» pos=»left» title_font_style=»font-weight:bold;» title_font_size=»desktop:22px;» title_font_color=»#333333″]Estaremos encantados de compartir sus resultados en ms.epfl.ch. Si desea describir su proyecto usando cualquiera de nuestras herramientas gratuitas, escribanos un mensaje describiendo proyecto y resultados y lo publicaremos gustosamente en la sección de novedades & post . Una vez publicado, podríamos incluir sus papers en la página de referencias de MsToolbox.  Comparta también su material de aprendizaje, cuanto más, mejor. No dude en contactarnos y en seguir nuestras novedades por twitter or linkedln..[/bsf-info-box]
[ultimate_heading main_heading=»How to use our Mass Spectrometry Excercises» main_heading_margin=»margin-bottom:10px;» main_heading_style=»font-weight:bold;» main_heading_font_size=»desktop:50px;» main_heading_line_height=»desktop:60px;»][/ultimate_heading]

Excercise 1

Charge in Mass Spectrometry

Determine the charge of the observed molecular ion. Depending on the ionization method a molecule can be charged many times. In those examples we only consider positively charged molecules. Based on the theoretical mass spectrum and the difference of mass between isotopologues, determine the charge of the observed molecular ion. Write your answer in the charge column. If it turns green…your answer is correct

Excercise 2

Molecular formula determination

The goal of this exercise is to find the molecular formula of unknown products that fits in the generale molecular formula: [C0-100 H0-100 N0-5 O0-10 F0-3 Cl0-3 Br0-3 S0-3]. You will find the simulated spectra with a specified precision and the ion source used. You will fin different candidates but this exercise does not end here. To find out the final molecular formula you must use the isotopic distribution, the fine structure (mass defect) (monoisotopic mass + 1) to check if we have nitrogen and sulfur or the unsaturation degree to find out if the molecule is realistic. Have fun! Green raw means that your answer is correct

Excercise 3

Find the monoisotopic mass

The goal of this exercise is to find the monoisotopic mass of peptides composed of proteogenic amino acids.The monoisotopic mass should be given in a precision range of 0.1. The analysis has been done by electrospray (ESI) but the number of times the molecule has been protonated is unknown ! Last tip: You should not forget that by ESI we add protons on the peptide and also that the monoisotopic mass is not always the most abundant peak

Excercise 4

Isotopic pattern exercise

In this exercice you need to find the atom composition that fits the isotopic pattern. You may use between one and three atoms to reach the pattern, among C, S, Cl and Br. Ignore X axis absolute value. Once you are done, you may click on the button «Show answers» to display the correct result. Once your answer is correct, the raw changes green.

Excercise 5

Fragmentations by electron impact

In those exercises you should assign each electron impact mass spectrum (EI 70ev) to the corresponding molecule. For each exercise you receive a set of spectra and the corresponding molecules. You should first select an exercise, then click on one line to display the spectrum and finally click on the corresponding molecule for this spectrum. In some cases, please note that electron impact structure identification has some limitations: in some cases you can really not distinguish between 2 products ! You will have to try both possibilities .