[bsf-info-box icon_type=»custom» icon_img=»id^5079|url^https://ms.epfl.ch/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/equipo-contacta-con-nostros-transparente.png|caption^null|alt^null|title^equipo-contacta-con-nostros-transparente|description^null» img_width=»200″ title=»Do you want to share your results in this page?» heading_tag=»span» pos=»left» title_font_style=»font-weight:bold;» title_font_size=»desktop:22px;» title_font_color=»#333333″]The ISIC-EPFL MS team will be delighted to share your updates in ms.epfl.ch! If you want to describe your project using any of our free tools and share your results, you can publish a post describing the project & results and/or once published we could include in our mstoolbox references page. You can also share any of your learning materials contact us. In any case, If you want to be updated, follow us on twitter or linkedln.[/bsf-info-box]

New cytotoxicity studies using Aom2s

By Jan Romano: Elucidating the molecular targets of metal drugs is crucial to shed light on their mechanism of action. In this study, Aom2s, a tool designed by scientists at EPFL to analyse HR-MS/MS spectra of oligonucleotides, was used to investigate the binding mode of a newly developed breast cancer drug candidate, [Ru(η6-toluene)(PPh3)2Cl]Cl, with single and double…

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A new vision for recycling plastics

By Simone Giaveri: plastic pollution is one of the biggest issues that humanity has to face. Despite many efforts, a long-term solution for a sustainable handling, that is production and disposal, of synthetic polymer-based materials is still needed. At Prof. F. Stellacci’s lab, we envisioned a new circular-economy model for polymers, where materials are transformed…

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New Protein-Binding studies using Apm2s

By Tao Jianmei. It is very important to study the protein-binding behavior of platinum drugs in blood. Mass spectrometry-based strategies have been used to identify and quantitate the proteins binding with platinum anticancer drugs in blood, as reviewed by Du et al in Pharmaceuticals. However, early attempts to identify the binding proteins of platinum drugs…

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Aom2s: a new web‐based application for DNA/RNA data interpretation

We are happy to introduce our new RCMS publication about our recent addition to ms.epfl.ch toolbox: Aom2S. It was designed specifically for the automated analysis of oligonucleotide HR-MS/MS data. Aom2S offers the possibility to identify main type of fragments together with a-B ions, neutral losses, base losses and internal fragments. The assignment of all these product…

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ASMS Reboot 2020!

The ISIC-EPFL mass spectrometry platform team present a poster at the American society of mass spectrometry (ASMS2020) annual conference. Unfortunately, this year the Face-to-Face 68th ASMS Conference was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even if recording a talk is completely different from present a poster, we are excited to present this poster and video…

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We love teaching !

Test the new exercises section on the ChemCalc website. They are generated randomly by means that every student has a different series (detailed statistics about the progression)! You don’t need any installation and no login is needed. Don’t forget to visit also our teaching section here.

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First Cheminfo steps!

Luc Patiny team describes a simple approach to develop chemical web services. In this first steps, the chemcalc project allows multiple MS calculations such as isotopic distribution simulation, peptide fragmentation simulation, and molecular formula determination. Read the full paper here.

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